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Honourary doctorate for Cathrina Claas Mühlhäuser

Published on 15 January 2024

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Harsewinkel, Germany / Newport, UK, May 2018. The Harper Adams University in Great Britain has awarded an honorary doctorate to Cathrina Claas-Mühlhäuser, Chair of the CLAAS Group Supervisory Board. She received the distinction during the celebrations marking the 200th birthday of Thomas Harper Adams, founding patron of the university. Also attending the ceremony was HRH Princess Anne in her function as Chancellor of the university. Two other dignitaries from Great Britain received an honorary doctorate and a Harper Adams Fellowship as well.

 In awarding the title, the university emphasised Cathrina Claas-Mühlhäuser’s significant contribution to the international economy and in particular the cultivation of new markets for agricultural machinery.

CLAAS and the CLAAS Foundation have maintained close ties with universities throughout Europe and beyond for many years. Besides Great Britain, the associations are particularly strong in Germany, the Czech Republic, the Netherlands, Russia, Hungary, Poland and China. This close academic network allows CLAAS to keep track of the latest developments in agricultural machinery and to launch projects as a means of promoting early-career scientists.

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